Four Ways You Can Optimize Final Mile Performance.

“55% of consumers will switch to a competing retailer/brand if it offers a faster delivery service.”

Capegemini Research Institute, “The Last Mile Delivery Challenge”

Consumers are increasingly demanding faster and more frequent deliveries from their preferred retailers or online sources for goods and services. That means you need agile and seamless logistics from plant to distribution center to store or other designated destination. If you satisfactorily address these changing demands and behaviors significant growth opportunities emerge. Yet, making the numbers work in terms of profitability remains a daunting challenge for sellers. Especially at a time when consumers are conditioned to paying little or nothing for deliveries.

Capitalizing on the opportunities last mile efficiencies afford requires a holistic strategy that minimizes risk while meeting uncompromising expectations for competent, on-time deliveries. Agility, accuracy, and accessibility made possible by the right operating model, leading edge technology, and dedicated professionals strategically aligned to meet pressing and fluctuating delivery schedules enable you to strike a profitable balance between cost and consumer confidence.

Here are Four Ways MMS Courier helps you eliminate final mile frustrations:

  1. MMS Courier experts collaborate with you in defining mission-critical metrics, KPIs, data collection and sharing, and potential system constraints.
  2. MMS provides state-of-the-art technology from e-courier, a market leader in logistics automation. The system provides scheduling, routing, expediting, and confirming all of your deliveries — whether via regularly scheduled route, on-demand shipments, or intra-office correspondence. As a result, you have complete trackability and control of all delivery activity as well as valuable information and insights that facilitate more accurate planning and budgeting of your courier program.
  3. The MMS business model utilizes Independent Contract Drivers motivated by an entrepreneurial zeal for building their business. Doing so allows for immediate on-demand scale-up or scale-down based on delivery volume. It also enables our independent contract drivers better opportunities for managing their business while serving as a significant cost containment asset.
  4. Service levels are elevated by our well-trained operations and dispatch team — giving you 24/7/365 access when human intervention is called for.

With those four priorities in place, you can confidently solve the final mile paradox. People, Process, and Technology (PPT) are the essential elements that ensure peak performance. Which is why MMS invests significant time and resources optimizing organizational efficiency and bringing these three integral components into balance.

MMS believes you deserve more than just merely surviving in today’s brutally competitive market. We want you to flourish and prosper. So rather than attempt carrying the brunt of the final mile load entirely on your own, let MMS relieve the strain. Because people are counting on you to get things right. And you can count on MMS Courier to get things there — safely and on-time.

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